
Under Australian Consumer Law (ACL) consumers have an “implied” guarantee for goods and service purchases made. These are called consumer guarantees. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

NUDE applies this guarantee across jurisdictions so wherever you are in the world you can be confident that you are dealing with an ethical company. Beyond this implicit guarantee NUDE Microphones understands that providing superb quality microphones at a low price point is at the crux of our value proposition. In over five years of selling Microphones we can count on the fingers of one hand the number that have needed to be returned and these were all traced to the Microphone being dropped from a height during transit violently enough to move the internal assembly. In  these cases we have promptly replaced the Microphone. We want people who buy NUDE Microphones to have positive experiences using their new Microphones and are committed to resolving any issues as promptly as possible. In the age of social media, positive referrals continue to be our most important sales tool.

Specifically NUDE Microphones stand behind the following Limited Warranty:
What is Covered
The warranty covers any defects in manufacture, materials or workmanship that prevent the microphone from operating to its full potential 
Length of Coverage 
The warranty is for 90 days from purchase date
What is not covered
The warranty does not cover misuse of the microphone such as; ribbon microphone exposure to 48v DC power, user or third party modifications or accidental damage through use.
What NUDE Microphones Will Do
NUDE will repair any Microphone that proves to be defective in manufacture, materials or workmanship. In the event repair is not possible, NUDE will replace your Microphone with another one. If a replacement Microphone is not available we will refund the full purchase price of your Microphone
How To Get Service
Contact NUDE Microphones directly
How Consumer Law Applies
This warranty gives you specific legal rights in conjunction with the consumer guarantee provisions of the Australian Consumer Law